Saturday, August 22, 2009

Willaim Bradford

Thesis: In an excerpt from William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, although the Puritans experience hardship in their voyage to America, in their initial arrival and in their dealing with the Indians, they still maintain their reverence to God and to one another (their initial reason for fleeing England).

William Bradford Political Cartoon

Whether it is the 1800’s or the 20th Century America has always had opportunities to offer immigrants even if immigrants aren’t necessarily welcome. For example, this political cartoon shows the U.S. border which is represented by a barbed wired fence surrounded by many signs such as jobs, Free Health Care, Education, and lemonade. Compared to the time period of the story “Of Plymouth Plantation” by William Bradford The New World also had things to offer such as freedom of religion, freedom from Britain, freedom to start a new government, and land. The cartoon also shows people coming to the U.S. although clearly warned not to immigrate by the “USA KEEP OUT” sign directly next to the U.S border. This explains that although America is seen as a great country the people don’t exactly want immigrants just as the Native Americans didn’t want the Puritans to inhabit their land. The main question is that have immigrants ever been welcomed into America and should we welcome them in our lifetimes?

Journal Entry (From the veiw point of a immigrant on board the Mayflower)

Dear Journal,
Today I am stuck on this stupid boat again. Will we ever get to the “land of opportunity” as mother calls it? I am so sick of waiting for us to get there and on top of that I am sick to my stomach from the rocking of the ship! I miss home oh so very much. In my opinion we should have stayed in England like my friend Sarah and her parents. I’m sure they are having a fun time right now. She told me she would right me letters in her journal and when we get back I can read them, but for some strange reason I don’t think we are ever going back. Father and mother have all their clothes and I have everything of mine. Well except for my lovely furniture and some of my toys that where left in England. Anyways there is nothing to do on this ship and the other children are all to boring to play with so I’m stuck watching our suitcases roll around on the deck and twirling my hair. I have now had enough! It is time to talk to mother! Oh I hope God will forgive me for the pain I have caused her now. I didn’t mean to be annoying and troublesome for her but sometimes I just can’t help saying something like “what in the darn world are we doing on this ship?” Father just gave me a warning look as if to say I’m not acting like a lady when I say that but it hurts me deep inside when mother gives me an exhausted look and her pleading eyes ask me to be patient. So now that I can’t complain and still have nothing to do I guess I’ll just sit here until something just pops into my brilliant mind. It seems like hours and I have finally got it! I’ll draw. That’s right I’ll draw my home so that I’ll never forget it. Oh and Sarah and her family too. Oh and I can’t forget about moms flower garden. Well now that I’m on a good start I think I’ll set you down and get a move on my pictures. Until next time keep my memories safe. -Lena

Thursday, August 20, 2009

political cartoon: Anne Bradstreet

Women have had to fight from the beginning of time for certain rights automatically accessible to men. For example, in this political cartoon a woman is shown struggling to “fit” into a dress, labeled “National Suffrage”. This suggests society’s un-acceptance of women, even if they are part of the nation as citizens. Likewise this is shown in Anne Bradstreet’s writing when she struggles to represent her Puritan belief while also maintaining her humanity.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Johnathan Edwards

Passage from "Sinners at the Hands of an ANGRY GOD":
"God has laid himself under no obligation, by any promise to keep any natural man out of hell one moment. God certainly has made no promises either of eternal life, or of any deliverance or preservation from eternal death, but what are contained in the covenant of grace, the promises that are given in Christ, in whom all the promises are yea and amen. But surely they have no interest in the promises of the covenant of grace who are not the children of the covenant, who do not believe in any of the promises, and have no interest in the Mediator of the covenant. "

This passage is my favorite because it completely contradicts society's veiws about God today. When people attend church they are constantly reminded that God is graceful and will not condem them to hell if they choose to live their lives based on his 10 Commandments. On the other hand, this sermon states that you have hardly any chance of going anyplace other than hell and that God is actually the almighty power that hangs you over it. In a way the sermon made me repulsed at the wicked images of God's sick game of torturing people. On the other hang I admire Johnathan Edwards for exposing the drastic reality that God may not be as graceful as we perseive him as. The truth is that no living human can judge the uncertainty of this mistery and therefore explaing the meaning of faith.