Saturday, August 22, 2009

Journal Entry (From the veiw point of a immigrant on board the Mayflower)

Dear Journal,
Today I am stuck on this stupid boat again. Will we ever get to the “land of opportunity” as mother calls it? I am so sick of waiting for us to get there and on top of that I am sick to my stomach from the rocking of the ship! I miss home oh so very much. In my opinion we should have stayed in England like my friend Sarah and her parents. I’m sure they are having a fun time right now. She told me she would right me letters in her journal and when we get back I can read them, but for some strange reason I don’t think we are ever going back. Father and mother have all their clothes and I have everything of mine. Well except for my lovely furniture and some of my toys that where left in England. Anyways there is nothing to do on this ship and the other children are all to boring to play with so I’m stuck watching our suitcases roll around on the deck and twirling my hair. I have now had enough! It is time to talk to mother! Oh I hope God will forgive me for the pain I have caused her now. I didn’t mean to be annoying and troublesome for her but sometimes I just can’t help saying something like “what in the darn world are we doing on this ship?” Father just gave me a warning look as if to say I’m not acting like a lady when I say that but it hurts me deep inside when mother gives me an exhausted look and her pleading eyes ask me to be patient. So now that I can’t complain and still have nothing to do I guess I’ll just sit here until something just pops into my brilliant mind. It seems like hours and I have finally got it! I’ll draw. That’s right I’ll draw my home so that I’ll never forget it. Oh and Sarah and her family too. Oh and I can’t forget about moms flower garden. Well now that I’m on a good start I think I’ll set you down and get a move on my pictures. Until next time keep my memories safe. -Lena

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